Almost as good as free beer, You can now download all of our 336 tracks at our Souncloud site. Granted it’s one at a time, but hey, it’s free.
Stock Housing – Scott Moon
How much can you take? Can you make it to the end? If so, that’s very disturbing.
22:22 – Scott Moon
Here’s a track to put on in the background for morning or late night meditation or checking your email ;). Done completely in one take using the Music Thing Workshop with Turing Machine activated and running through Pools on Norns Shield. Twenty-Two minutes and Twenty-Two seconds long.
Project Turing Machine 3 – Scott Moon
Playing around with the Workshop Computer and Zeptocore.
D.O.A. – Scott Moon
A little groove, with lyrics I wrote in 1978. Voice by Aileen Iverson.
Oneiroi 1 – Scott Moon
My first attempt at recording my new Befaco Oneiroi. It definitely has some sweet spots and a lot of potential. It is being sequenced by the Pittsburgh sequencer which is also sequencing the West Pest, which is fed into the audio inputs on the Oneiroi and it’s looper.
Bark Bark Boom! – Scott Moon
Moody percussive drone thingy. Must be the weather.